Friday, January 11, 2008

Chicken Curry (Deveka)

This recipe comes from one of Alex’s MIT roommates (from Bangalore); Alexandra first made it for me on Mother’s day 2003.  A real treat!


I T olive oil

Ground spices:
1 cinnamon stick
1 black cardamom
1 green cardamom
3-4 cloves
6-7 peppercorns
1 t cumin

Whole spices:
1 black cardamom
1 green cardamom
cinnamon - sprinkle
cumin - sprinkle

1 onion, chopped
½ c yogurt
1 T ginger (paste)
1 T garlic (paste)
salt to taste
[fresh cilantro]

8 skinless 2nd joints


Make the marinade: Mix yogurt, ground spices, ginger, garlic and salt and marinate the chicken in it for ½ hour at least [I also add 2T chopped fresh cilantro]

Cooking: Heat 1T olive oil, add whole spices mix, add chopped onion and fry until brown. Add chicken and ½ c water. Reduce heat to medium, cover and let simmer until done, ( about 40 minutes).

[NB: to keep yogurt from “breaking down”, I add 1 ½ t cornstarch whisked smooth with the yogurt and AVOID high heat once chicken yogurt mix is added to other ingredients.]

A chopped tomato may be added just before dish has finished cooking.

Reviewed 5/14/17

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